Art & Culture
Talking about Indonesian culture diversity certainly will never be endless . Given
so many kinds of arts and culture that are ranging from Sabang to
Merauke in Indonesian islands with a wide variety of ethnic groups who
all have a variety of art and culture respectively . But
all summed up into one that is a variety of cultural art air- BINEKA
SINGLE IKA to show oriental custom and based on the principle of
Pancasila .In
the discussion of a variety of art and culture has the following
understanding for cultural art comes from two syllables Art - Culture . Untukkata
culture is derived from the Sanskrit buddhayah , which is the plural
form of buddhi ( mind or intellect which is defined as the things
pertaining to the mind and human reason .
devinisi culture can be interpreted sebegai human life ordinances
performed in groups or communities , and passed on from generation to
generation to generation .
While the art is an idea or notion of a human thought process , and therefore a synonym of science . Today, the art can be seen in the expression of the essence and a human sense copyright creativity .
is very difficult to explain and difficult to assess , caused each
individual human being has a different flavor with each other .
experts devinisi mean that art is an activity that arises in the act
and are beautiful , fun and can give satisfaction to the soul of a human
An art we can also draw from a deep inspiration , and vary from one person to another .